When You Feel Scared To Spend Quiet Time With God

“So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 5:16 (NKJV)

Sitting around our Bible Study table, we found ourselves discussing the topic of spending quiet time with God.  As thoughts began chiming in, I sat there baffled that every single lady was in agreeance except me. Not one of them wanted any amount of silent time with God except me. And everyone was chitter-chattering about their reasons why except me.  

It wasn’t because I didn’t want to shout up to the rooftops that there is absolutely NOTHING I would trade my quiet time with God for, but I found myself utterly speechless. Numb actually. And my little, outnumbered voice shrank back so I could listen wholeheartedly for their answers to the question puzzling my mind… Why wouldn’t you want to spend quiet time with God as a Christian?

Excuses and justifications started lining up single file outside one doorway in particular— the door of fear.

Fear of what God would reveal to them about their pasts.

Fear of guilt from their current disobedience. 

Fear of what He might ask them to do to further His Kingdom. 

Over and over again I heard the words… I’m scared of what He will tell me. 

Tears cupped my eyes as I listened, but I could not speak. It was as if the Holy Spirit clamped His hand over my mouth. Before I knew it our time was up without me saying a single word about my own thoughts. My heart was broken.

Sharing my own guilt on the drive home with God for not even uttering a sound, I felt Him say…

There are times I just want you to quietly listen because I need you to see the needs of My daughters.

See that round table discussion was several years ago right after God laid writing for Him on my heart. And He knows the burning question still lingering in my head ever since… How many other women live in fear to spend quiet time with You Lord? 

As I began blogging, I knew there would be an appointed time one day when He wanted me to share this story and apparently the time is now.

So friend, if this is you or someone you may know, I want to share with you the biblical truth about fear.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

This verse says fear is a spirit and it’s not from God. So if it’s not from God, then it’s from Satan himself. And the enemy is crafty with his evil spirits. He shoves his way into our thought life just like he did in the garden with Eve:

Oh, you don’t want to hear from God. Wonder what He must think of you? Look at your past. Could He really use you? What about your disobedience? Remember He asked you to do that thing and you failed Him? And there’s no way you’re qualified to do what He asks of you for His Kingdom. You’ll never measure up to His standards. And even if you think you’re qualified, do you really want to give up your time? Look at your busy plate already!

And what do these small, hissing lies do? They speak shame, guilt, disqualification, and doubt before you even begin. They paralyze us from living out our fullest life in Christ. It’s the enemy’s slick trick to thwart God’s purpose in you. None of this is from God.

But friend, one of the greatest blessings we do have from God is a Spirit as well— His Holy Spirit. A Spirit that leads and guides us by chiseling away at shame, guilt, disqualification, and doubt. It enables us with His supernatural power to shut down the evil forces of fear. 

God is our God yes? But He’s also our Father and Friend. And like any relationship, it’s a two-way street. He wants to hear your needs and desires in prayer, but He also longs for you to listen to Him in the quiet too.

If Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness to carve out quiet time with His Father, how much more do we need to as well?

I promise you when you cultivate a daily silent time with God, you’ll shortly see it’s exactly what our soul craves and needs. And there is no room for fear in this sweet time with the Lord. When life happens and I don’t get my morning quiet time with God, I feel incomplete. My day doesn’t seem as smooth and I can’t wait to find a few moments just me and Him. 

Quiet time with God is where He pours into us so we can pour out for Him. It’s where He sorts our thought life like daily mail– thoughts He wants us to keep vs. the junk we need to shred from Satan polluting our mind.

So I encourage you today to find some quiet space, open up your Bible, or pick up a devotional and meditate on a scripture verse.  Then call on His Holy Spirit, ask Him to speak, and then simply sit and listen without any fear.

God, I pray for my friend who’s feeling scared to spend quiet time with You. Lead her Lord into shutting down fear and learning how to cultivate a sweet, quiet time with You. One that she’ll want to seek daily. Give her the strength to shed any feelings of shame, guilt, or doubt so she can walk boldly in the life You have designed for her. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

8 comments on “When You Feel Scared To Spend Quiet Time With God

  1. I love this honest post. Honestly, I have felt this a few times in my walk with God. I’m glad He helps us overcome all the tricks of the enemy to keep us from His presence. Because anything that will keep us from drawing high to Him is definitely the enemy. Thank you for sharing!

    • Yes the enemy attacks in so many different ways. So glad you were able to overcome this and draw nigh to God. Thank you Susan!❤️

  2. This is an eye opening post. I am also nearly speechless. I ask God to show me my weaknesses and imperfections both past and present. How can we grow if we can’t face the truth about ourselves?

    • It was definitely eye opening for me but I’ve come to realize the enemy will use ANYTHING to disrupt our relationship with God and our purpose within Him. Because we cannot grow (and he knows that) if we can’t face the truth about ourselves or disqualify ourselves before we even try. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!❤️

  3. Traci, for a long time, years, I kept hanging on past sin in my life. I knew God had forgiven me, but Satan kept bringing it to the forefront. One morning, during my quiet time, I heard Him, clearly in my mind, say LET IT GO! I’ve thrown it away, now you need to. If I hadn’t been quiet and listening, I would still be burden by my past.
    I, too, start every morning with my study and quiet time. If I don’t, my day is a mess.

    Thank you for sharing today so openly with us. God’s timing, not yours.

  4. Such wonderful words. I value my quiet time with The Lord and personally don’t have fear but I have felt with that in my past. But the more I come to know God, all I see is His amazing love. So I come knowing that He has the best for me. Sometimes I can’t shut out the outside distraction or the busyness of my thoughts and have complete quiet time with Him. That is more my struggle. But I have such peace knowing that God loves me inspire of my restlessness. Thanks for sharing this Traci

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