Moving Our Why To What

“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold — though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” 1 Peter 1:7 NLT

Have you ever stopped to look back on the times in your life when you faced your hardest struggles? Those tough spots where the climb was steep and narrow out of the valley of a circumstance you’d rather not be living out?

Recently my 17-year-old and I were having a conversation about some struggles he’s going through right now. And I knew it was time to set out for a faith trip.

So I began encouraging him to look back to his trials; those intense valleys he’s walked through so far in his young life.

Not because I want him to re-live his past. God doesn’t want us buried in our past. But I needed him to see how far God’s carried him from his darkest valleys to where he is now.

Hitting the refresh button on parts of our past isn’t always easy. Painful memories muster up from our depths. Because forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. And our deepest hurts never truly fade away.

But I believe it’s powerful for our soul to venture back through a faith trip. Because when we turn back the pages of our story the Great Author is writing, we get to see the whole picture.

Yes, we re-visit the entrance into our darkest valleys, but now we’re looking at it from our mountaintop view. And this is where we see His love when we questioned it, see His promises when we felt forsaken, and His strength when we were weak.

We watch the play reel in our minds and see where He walked with us; when He carried us. We see us hand in hand as we trek out of the valley and together as we start the ascent up the mountain.

Our valleys bolster our faith. This my friend, is spiritual growth.

Remember the valley when you reach the mountaintop.

I spent many years asking God, Why?

Why would You allow this to happen to me?

Why do You think I deserve these circumstances?

I didn’t understand so I wallowed in self-pity. Boy, I had some messy, ugly years.

But God got a hold of me and He’s shown me that I have to walk through the valleys to learn and spiritually grow in Him. Then we get to the mountaintop. But don’t ever forget the valley.

It’s pretty simple how I look at life now: God has a purpose in my suffering. My perspective has changed. Praise Him in the valley; praise Him on the mountain.

I can’t remember the last time I asked Him, Why God?

I now ask Him, What God?

Faith says, What. What do You want me to learn in this valley?

That doesn’t mean the journey’s simple. And I know me… which means there will be tears. But my faith and dependence on God has grown so much from the girl I was several years ago.

I’ve had some rough valleys. And I’m sure you have too. But they either define us or compel us. I choose compel. Compel me Lord to grow more and more like Jesus.

Friend, I don’t know what your struggles are. But I encourage you to carve out just a few moments and take a faith trip today. Journey back, remember where you’ve been, see where God has moved in your life, and feel the thankfulness in your heart. And know He’s still moving through your struggles today.

And always remember I’m here for you and I’m a great listener. I’d love for you to message me.

Lord, we ask You to bring to mind all the spaces and places where You’ve shown up in our lives as we journey back in our faith trip today. When we doubted in the valley, there You were Lord. And we thank You. We pray for spiritual growth through our trials and to help us move our why to what. What can we learn to become more like Jesus? And Lord, may we never forget our valleys as we continue in our journey with You. We praise You Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

10 comments on “Moving Our Why To What

  1. A very good reminder that, when we choose, our faith and trust in God strengthens and we learn to Praise Him in all times. Thank you, Traci, for you Spirit filled words of wisdom.

  2. Looking back in order to write our story is difficult, but if the story that is difficult to recall, allows just one person to shift their mindset toward God, I think it is worth it.

  3. An inspirational post!! The valleys and mountains are what make up the “topography” of our faith. Without them, we would never know where our faith measures.

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