Intentionally Seeking The Quiet

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place, and there He prayed.” (Mark 1:35 NKJV)

Can you imagine the droves of people constantly following Jesus around? People desperate for healing; desperate for spiritual needs. They searched Him out day and night. And let’s not forget the religious leaders who kept a steady pace at His heels hoping to catch Him in a lie to prove He wasn’t the Christ.

Jesus often sought quiet and solitude for Himself. Was it because He was selfish? Was He looking to nod off in a well-deserved nap under a tree somewhere? Not at all.

Then why did He intentionally seek the quiet?

Because in the heart of His ministry, Jesus was surrounded by continual noise and He needed one-on-one quiet time with His Father.

The noise of the crowds, the skeptics, the enemy, and even the noise from His own disciples arguing with each other from time to time.

Our world is chock full of all kinds of noise too. So many voices vying for our attention. Our families and friends, co-workers and bosses, critics and enemies, and every digital device we have at our fingertips. And while they’re not all bad, we’re pulled in countless directions every day.

But one of the noisiest devices the enemy uses against us is the quietest device we have… social media.

Social media is a time-killer, a pot-stirrer, and shouts louder than any vocal newscaster out there. It’s the one place most of us hold in the palm of our hand to hear all the world’s “noise” as we scroll, click, read, and comment.

But honestly, whether it’s social media or life’s noise in general vying for our attention, the enemy will use anything or anybody to distract us from quiet time with God.

I had years where it never occurred to me to spend some quiet time with God. Then when I realized this was a vital part of my walk with Christ, I had great intentions, but they somehow never panned out. I’d plan my day in my head, yet what really played out was a very different scene.

Life happens, the day gets away, before I knew it my head hit the pillow and I was fast asleep. Only to then wake up the very next morning frustrated because I realized I didn’t make a single ounce of time for God the day before. A cycle that often repeated itself. I was easy prey for the enemy.

So why was intentionally seeking the quiet so important for Jesus… so important now for you, and for me?

Jesus needed the quiet to get one-on-one with His Father. This is where He sought after God’s wisdom; God’s will for His kingdom. And it’s where we need to do the same.

The quiet is where we get to hear God speak in His still, small whispers.

And it’s why getting quiet with the Lord has become a favorite part of my day. So I want to share with you some of my tricks of intentionally seeking the quiet.

  1. Get up early just like Jesus did and soak in the quietness with God while it’s still dark out. (This is my favorite time!)
  2. Stay up late after everyone else has fallen asleep.
  3. Leave a little earlier and spend some time with God before heading to work.
  4. Turn the radio off in the car! This has been a common meet-up spot for God and me through the years. Short trips or long trips… it doesn’t matter.
  5. Steal a few minutes at lunch. Park somewhere pretty and relish the moment with Him.
  6. Flip over your phone so it’s screen side down when you do find some quiet time. Flashy notifications love to tempt our eyes while spending time with God and rob us of the moment.
  7. Hide in the bathroom! When children and/or dogs follow us everywhere… this is a genius place to hide out.
  8. LIMIT SOCIAL MEDIA — I’m serious… give it a try!

Trust me when I say this…

When we learn to hear Him in the quiet, we begin to hear Him through the noise.

So, I challenge you to intentionally seek the quiet this week. Shoot for every day. And don’t beat yourself up if it “daily” doesn’t happen. Just promise me you’ll keep at it.

And once you begin to make quiet time with God a daily routine, I promise you it’ll become a time you ABSOLUTELY crave.

Dear God, the enemy wants to distract us from You with all the noise in our lives. We ask that You lead us in intentionally seeking the quiet moments with You throughout our day to soak up Your essence, and seek Your will and wisdom. Help us to hear You in the quiet so we can begin to hear You in the noise. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

6 comments on “Intentionally Seeking The Quiet

  1. I also have trouble slowing down and I work on it constantly to become more intentional about time spent with God

    • I’ll pray for you and you pray for me Nancie! I believe the enemy is working OT these days to distract us from God in all aspects. Love ya and miss you!

  2. This is such a struggle for me. I have the same intentions you talked about. I plan it. I get excited about it and then something always happens and then, poof, my day is gone! I desire that peaceful, intimate time with God. Maybe I shouldn’t plan it because I do find that the unexpected moments I get with Him are far more meaningful than a planned time that only frustrates me when it doesn’t happen. The car rides are definitely one of those places that I can have a few moments to myself and just let it roll. Great suggestions for capturing and making good use of small bits of the day.

    • Thanks Heather! The unexpected moments are the best. I love how God shows up in the unexpected aspects of our life whether big or small. Maybe try making a little sanctuary for yourself somewhere on your farm. I’m picturing you under a shady tree, cozy chair, COFFEE and a sign that says “No kiddos or dogs allowed” 🙂

  3. Quiet time is extremely important. God drove home the need for that on my Emmaus Walk in 99. It was a battle for years. Now the most precious time of my day is early morning and sitting in the dark, on my front porch (regardless the weather) with my dog Max before going to bed. The quiet can be scary at first but then becomes a shelter of peace.

    Thanks, Traci for your words of wisdom.

    • You’re welcome Peg! I love how you describe the quiet as a shelter of peace… so true. The Emmaus Walk has a knack for bringing us to the reality of what God longs for us to see.

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