“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 (NLT)
Silent Saturday. The one day of Holy Week we don’t hear much about. Palm Sunday and Good Friday are the prominent days we direct our attention to leading up to Easter Sunday. But there’s something to learn from the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
For the disciples, I feel like Silent Saturday was hard to digest and I can only imagine the emotional rollercoaster they were on.
Grief of losing not only their Teacher but their Friend. Fear of their own possible arrests. Confusion as they try to wrap their heads around what just took place. Devastation from Judas' betrayal of Jesus all for 30 pieces of silver. Despair in the midst of a bleak and Silent Saturday.
Friday had been full of noise from the crowds, Jesus, and from God Himself.
The loud voices from an angry mob yelling, "Crucify Him!" The lashing whip against Jesus' back. The pounding nails in His hands and feet. Hurling insults and mockery from the Roman soldiers. Cries of pain and anguish from our beloved Savior, His precious mother, and all of His followers. His outcry to His Father, "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?" His final shout... "It is finished!" The ripping of the temple veil from top to bottom. And the graves of the saints rumbling open.
Yes… Friday proved extremely loud but now the remaining eleven found themselves sorting through a Silent Saturday and trying to make sense of it all.
Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of our own Silent Saturday where all hope seems lost and nothing makes sense. Where our prayers feel like they’re falling on deaf ears and all we can seem to focus on is what we think God’s not doing on our behalf.
Then it’s easy to view His silence as a punishment because surely we must’ve done something wrong for Him to remain so quiet.
It’s hard to digest our Silent Saturdays especially when those Saturdays last for a while and we’re desperately seeking the hope of a Sunday. But friend His silence doesn’t mean His abandonment.
God is in the silence with you. He is fighting for you. You are not forsaken and He is bottling your tears.
His silence is where we learn to have faith which bolsters a deep trust by laying down our human weaknesses in exchange for God’s supernatural strength.
So why doesn’t God always answer our prayers immediately? If He did, our reliance would be on the prayer itself and not in the power of our God who answers them. We’d never learn this trusting faith and the hope in God it produces.
Hope is not lost. Hope is not canceled. We serve a God of hope.
Are you in the middle of a Silent Saturday seeking the hope of a Sunday? What mess do you feel God cannot make a message out of?
Friend, there is the hope of a Sunday when the tomb of your trial is gonna be empty. When your eyes will open to recognize that Jesus is not only walking with you now but has been all along. But most of all when hope is restored. When you’ll see there was a purpose in the quiet because God is a God who works in the silence.
Don’t give up on praying for whatever it is you’re going through. Don’t let Satan swoop in on your Silent Saturday causing you to doubt the goodness of God’s Sunday. There is hope in the silence.
Because we serve the God of miracles. We serve the God of turning messes into messages. The God who trades our trials and testings and make them our testimonies. He is the God of taking a hopeless, Silent Saturday and turning it into the hope of a Resurrection Sunday! Praise His Holy Name! Praise the Risen Savior! Happy Easter Friends! Love, Traci
Very powerful and especially so true. Wehn we have our silent moments, we begin to think that God has forsaken us and start to question Why? But, as you point out, there will be a moment when God will resurect us, when we just need to be patient and trust in God.
Thanks Dad! So thankful for those resurrection moments!❤️
Beautifully written, Traci. Thank you! Sunday IS coming!
Thank you Peg! Praise the Lord Sunday IS coming!❤️
Traci, this is beyond awesome. it is encouragement for all our trials. We all face the “Silent Saturdays” in our lives. God bless you.
Thank you Mom! God bless you too and love you!❤️
Love it my friend. You are speaking truth when we so need it .love you😘
Thank you and love you too!❤️
Beautifully written. God’s word says” Be still and know that I am God”…sometimes we just have to rest in His quietness. I’m so thankful for resurrection morning! Sunday is coming! All our hope is in Jesus! ❤️
Yes and Amen friend! Thank you so much!❤️
Love this perspective! Thank you, Traci.
Thank you so much!❤️
Amen! Wow this really touched my heart today, thank you. I’ve been pondering similar things and you’ve captured this hope amid the silence so profoundly.
I’m so happy it touched your heart! Thanks for reading and commenting. ❤️
Such a great reminder and encouragement! We’ve all been there, but Jesus brings hope.
Amen! Thanks for reading!❤️
What an inspiring encouraging word Traci!!! Thank you for sharing! I pray you are doing well and loving your spring and warmth!! Blessings to you and your family!! ♥️♥️
Thank you Carolyn! We are doing great and love living here. Hope you are doing well too and God bless you! ❤️