Shine Jesus Well

In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 HCSB

There’s no doubt 2020 has plunged us down the track of a wild ride we never stood in line for. And with each twisty turn and upside down loop, our knuckles get a little whiter as we wonder when it’s going to come to an end.

So far, this year has proved there are a lot of things we think we know, yet don’t even have a single clue about.

But here is what I do know about me and 2020…

  1. I’m tired, but I gonna keep pressing forward in my race for Christ.
  2. I’m shocked, but I really shouldn’t be because Satan is working overtime.
  3. I’m disgusted by behaviors, but I’m gonna pop an antacid and cling to Jesus.
  4. I don’t want to debate Covid-19, masks, social distancing or politics.
  5. I wish we could spread kindness and love rather than a virus and hate.
  6. I would love to see us embrace social media for what it was designed for rather than use it for a negative platform.
  7. And here’s the biggie… I know as Christians we are called to shine Jesus well.

As I’ve said before, when 2019 rolled to 2020, I asked God to help me see what would impact my spiritual growth for the year.

And one of the areas God has drawn my eyes into, is seeing how so many people are hurting from the behaviors of Christians on social media. And how we need to shine Jesus well.

Now here’s the deal. I never want to be perceived as “preachy”. And I hope I don’t. It’s not my intent here. I have thought long and hard about posting this blog. But I feel there’s something I need to say; something God wants me to say.

To validate that truth even further, this past Sunday, God starting working on me like He usually does and I found myself listening to the Sunday sermon that was spot-on about shining Jesus. And then during church, my verse of the day popped up on my phone…

A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath. Proverbs 15:1 HCSB
And I said, Ok God. I’m on it.

In the last few months, I’ve seen countless people either taking a hiatus or talking about taking one from social media.


Because of all the hurtful words and uninvited debates peppering throughout the comment section of the posts they share. I’ve seen the most innocent of posts turn into heated debates.

People are getting chewed up and spit out from a simple comment or question. And some of these little nasty-grams are coming from other Christians. If I’m seeing them, so are the lost. And there’s always someone waiting and watching to call out a Christian for a hypocrite. (Oh and how they love to do that)

I literally cried myself to sleep one night while praying for a hurt Facebook friend. And the fact that people are posting so candidly about their genuine, raw places of pain as they embark on their hiatus from social media, speaks volumes to me. It takes a lot for some people to air out their true heart on social media.

We’ve all been in a place where we haven’t exactly shined Jesus well. I know I certainly have. And I absolutely have said the wrong things and reacted in wrong ways. And I’m sure you feel this way too. We’re human.

But there’s just something about all we’re enduring with 2020 that’s opened the door for social media attacks and people think it’s ok. But it isn’t.

And my heart aches for the Christians who choose to hurt and for the people they are hurting.

I want to share one of my take-aways from Sunday’s sermon (so these are not my words): Matthew 5:16 says to shine your light before all men, not on all men. When we shine the light of Christ before all men, we’re lighting up the path that leads away from darkness. And that brings glory to the Father. But there’s a whole heap of Christians out there who would rather shine the light on all men and grouchily ask them, “What’s wrong with you?

Goodness… isn’t this so true? What’s wrong with you for not sharing the same opinion as me? is prompting these social media attacks.

We all have varying opinions about Covid-19 and how it’s being handled. Plus there’s a great divide politically. And so much more I don’t even want to get into.

But as a Christian, if we feel led to comment then let’s take Proverbs 15:1 with us into the comment section… gentle not harsh.

Because when we shine a light on someone where it’s so close in their face, it’s more like an interrogation rather than spreading out a wave of Christ’s light to encourage someone.

All I know is, if we say we’re Christians, then we’re supposed to be following Christ. And if we are following Christ, then we should be trying our best to emulate Him; trying our best to shine Jesus well before them and not on them.

And that makes me want to run back to the 1990’s and unpack the ever-popular slogan… WWJD… What Would Jesus Do?

And what would Jesus do if He were on social media in 2020?

  • Would Jesus be trolling social media looking to see who He could attack?
  • Would He hide behind the keyboard making harsh critical remarks that are easier said with typing fingers than verbally to someone’s face?
  • Or would He be chuckling and feeling puffed up with pride that He came up with some snarky comeback in the comment section of someone’s post?

No, no and no. Actually these are qualities of Satan; not Jesus.

We expect the world to hurt us, but what we don’t expect is Christians to hurt us. And friends we cannot step into this arena. Especially on social media. It’s a game Satan is waiting for us to jump in and play.

And I don’t know about you, but this is a game I’m not signing on for. Honestly, it’s enough to make me limit my time on social media altogether.

I’m going to get real transparent for a moment. Most of the deepest hurts in my life have been from other Christians. I fully understand the shocked slap-me-in-the-face-feeling it leaves behind. And this is why I feel so passionate to write concerning this.

And if you sweet sister are feeling the sting of a slap right now? What you may not realize is that while you’re wading through the dirty muck of hurt from other Christians, God is going to clean you up and make you shine like Jesus even more than you did before.

And if you’re asking God to explain why this is happening to you and feeling a bit sorry for yourself? Please know that later down the road you’re going to be a whole lot stronger and be able to say what I am saying today….

God, I wouldn’t trade the trials You’ve walked me through because they’ve made me a better person; a better Christian. You’ve taught me how to shine Jesus well.

I encourage you today to pray for the people who hurt you and learn to forgive them in your heart. Don’t wait for an apology. Trust me… it may never come.

And know that I am here. You can comment here, you can send me a private message through social media or shoot me an email. I long to help the sister who is currently walking the miles I’ve walked so many times before.

Dear Father, You know your daughters who are hurting right now from the effects of other Christians. And You also know the Christians who are causing the pain. And I pray for You to minister to them both. As Satan tries to lead us astray and dim our light Lord, I pray you help us be bold and strong in our fight against Him. Lead our words and actions into a place where we will bring You glory as we shine Jesus well. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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