And it’s this kind of hope that activates our faith because faith cannot exist without it. Heb. 11:1 (GNT)
I didn’t grow up celebrating Advent. And in my adult life, I’ve only attended one church that lit the Advent wreath candles in the coming weeks leading to Christmas. So this week, I’ve spent some time studying out Advent.
The first candle of Advent we light celebrates Hope.
Our world today offers two kinds of hope. The first kind of hope is our wish or desire for something. And secondly, we have Advent Hope.
But what is Advent Hope? And how does it set itself apart from our regular run-of-the-mill hope?
Advent Hope is what God made available to us when He gave us His Son.
It’s a hope that believes no matter what happens in this life, we have the promises of eternity when we believe in Jesus and make Him Lord of our lives.
A hope that roots deep within our hearts as we move forward year after year in our spiritual walk with the Lord.
It’s a powerful force that God asks us to hold onto firmly (Heb. 10:23) because He knows the enemy wants to try and steal it.
And it’s this kind of hope that activates our faith because faith cannot exist without it. Heb. 11:1 (GNT)
The very first Advent in a tiny town of Bethlehem welcomed Hope with the birth of our Savior lying in a manger. It’s here where God lit the first candle of Hope in Israel’s heart and gave the world Hope that He would make things right again.
Worldly hope says… I wish our Messiah will return. But the hope of Advent says… I know He will.
This Christmas season I invite you to celebrate and light the first candle of Hope in your heart along with me. I’m praying the Hope of Advent will root deep within your soul and you will cling firmly to the promises of our Holy God.
God, thank you for the gift of hope. Your hope propels us forward as we activate our faith in You. A faith that says we love You, trust You, and know without a shadow of doubt that You will send Your Son to return for Your church. Thank You for this wonderful promise at Christmas time and in every day throughout the year. In Jesus' name, Amen.