“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)
I’m sorry. It’s been over a year since my last blog post. A fact I never thought I’d have to write. But I want you to know I tucked you in my heart and prayed for you.
Although I haven’t clicked “publish” on my website, I never laid down my pen. Writing for God is my heart.
Life knocks us down sometimes. Events and circumstances become overwhelming to the point our purposes get back burnered. We don’t intend for it to happen, yet here we are. Time elapsed and we’re left to wonder – How do I start again?
We have legit reasons. I certainly do. And I’m not going to touch on those now but they’ll come. Because in this absence of mine, God penned a miraculous story worthy to be shared.
What I will say is, in this whirlwind I called life, I knew I couldn’t blog consistently. And I vowed to God I wouldn’t blog again until I could be consistent for you; consistent for Him.
But you know what I kept hearing as I fiercely scribbled down notes of all God was doing in our lives over the last year and a half? The enemy kept whispering the word… excuses. His wicked whispers told me… Oh there’s no excuse, Traci. You failed God. So you might as well give up writing.
Truth is, several years ago I would’ve accepted his lies and thrown in the towel, therefore becoming a “usta”.
And you’re probably wondering… What’s a “usta”? It’s the word I use when I quickly say “used to”.
For instance… I “usta” weigh 120 pounds! (And those were the days btw..)
But what I notice is, this verbal phrase has quickly morphed into becoming a noun to label ourselves with the enemy’s lie. A lie declaring we are nothing more than a has been for God and there’s no turning back.
And I “usta” listen to the enemy’s lies about myself. But in the last decade, God’s got a hold of this ol’ girl because… well… she finally got a hold of Him.
So now when his wicked whispers try to steer me from my purpose it only propels me forward that much more.
Why? Because if he’s trying to stop me, then I know my purpose must mean greatness. Not that I am great but whether my purpose is for something grand or seemingly small, it’s gonna be great because it glorifies God!
I’ve heard it said like this –
If you are a Christian, you have a bull’s-eye on your back. If you’re working your purpose as a Christian, you have a double bull’s-eye on your back.
And I can attest to the amount of fiery darts that are flown my way.
I wanna encourage you for a moment. Are you a “usta”? Because maybe you realize it, but maybe you don’t. So let these thoughts resonate with you.
You “usta” serve in a ministry
You “usta” sing in the choir
You “usta” teach Sunday school
You “usta” pray to God daily
You “usta” go to church
Or maybe
You still attend church and you “usta” be on fire for God but now you know you’re just smoldering, yet you don’t understand what happened… God, how did I get here?
And like me, the enemy is whispering to you – How can you possibly begin again? You failed God. You might as well give up. The church has no need for people like you.
Friend, God is a God of new mornings; new beginnings. And He’s standing before you with an outstretched hand ready to help you begin again.
Satan delights in anyone who slaps the sticky name tag on their chest that says… Hello, My Name Is Usta

I could’ve said… I “usta” be a blogger, but praise God the enemy doesn’t get to relish in that name for me. And I pray he doesn’t get to relish in it for you either.
So friend don’t be a “usta”. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. Ask God to lead you back to your new beginning, back to His feet, back to your purpose, back to seeing who you really are in Him.
Because I hope you know and never forget you are an intricate piece to His master puzzle fitting ever so perfectly in His Kingdom.
He created you, to be you, with a purpose that matters. And if you have been listening to the enemy, you need to ask yourself this question… What is it I’m about to do for God, that scares the enemy?
So here I go again in my purpose to do something great – large or small – it doesn’t matter. Because it’s always great when we live out obedience and give Him the glory. And I pray you will join right along with me.
Traci, you are truly a blessing and I was thrilled to see a post from you this morning. You certainly have a way with making what God lays on your heart resonate with others. Blessings on you and your family always.
Thank you for your kind words! Blessings to you and your family too!
So good and glad your back. Thank you for sharing such wise words
Thank you Andrea! It feels so good to be back!!
I love reading your blogs Traci. You are a blessing and I’m thankful to know you. I pray everything is going well with you and your family. Keep writing and Happy Easter! 💞
Thank you so much Jonda! You and your family are a blessing to us too and we are so glad we got to know you. We are doing great here in North Carolina and it’s finally starting to feel like home!
Love this! And so glad you are back! 💗
Thank you friend! It feels amazing to be back!!
Welcome back, Traci. I’m thankful you are back. ❤
Thanks Peg! It feels so good to be back in my purpose again❤️
Welcome back! What a fantastic post. The enemy can not stop what God has ordained, and your beautiful testimony reflects this incredible truth.