Hello again! So you want to know a little more about me? I get it because I do the exact same thing when I check out a new site. So here’s a little snapshot of me.
Who Am I?
First, I’m a Jesus girl! And what’s that really mean? It means I daily center around trying to live my best life for Christ. But nope — that doesn’t mean I’m perfect. I mess up and I fall short from time to time, but I know how to seek God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness to restore my life so I’m not living a defeated life.
And as long as I’m still living, God is still writing my story. A story that will continue to be full of mountains and valleys. But through it all, He’s molding me more and more like Jesus as He writes one chapter from the next.
My Family
I’m married to Eric, my best friend of 29 years. This past August (2023), we celebrated 27 years!
We are blessed to be the parents of our talented and hardworking 20-year-old son, Jacob. Some of the photos you’ll see around my site are compliments of his talent.
And to make our family feel complete, we have a fur child too — our quirky llittle terrier, Gunner.
My Home
God allowed us in the fall of 2021 to make the move to the beautiful coast of North Carolina! There are some days I feel the need to pinch myself because it doesn’t seem real.
My Age
Do I even dare? Sure… age doesn’t phase me. And you’ll see me date myself from time to time in my blogs. I was born in the ’70s (thankfully I did NOT remember the styles and decor), but instead fondly remember growing up in the ’80s (poofy hair, boom-boxes, leg warmers, and MUCH better music).
In February 2023, I turned the BIG 5-0, but I’m embracing my “second 4-0”. Let me explain… see, Moses spent his first forty years without a real ministry for God — and so did I. But Moses’ purpose was handed down during his second forty years — and so was mine.
🎶 And These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things 🎶
- My morning time with Jesus, His Word & coffee
- Family time ranks high with me & always will
- Laughing! And when I start laughing, it’s really hard for me to stop
- But I love crying too because sometimes I just need a good ol’ cry to release the hard parts of life I carry around in my heart & soul
- I’m a sucker for pen, paper & journals (typing my work on a computer is the absolute FINAL step for me)
- Cooking & baking (especially when I find gluten-sensitive meals & desserts that are kind to my belly)
- Love almost all ethnic foods — but a special high five for Mexican & to my brother for introducing me to Sushi
- Fountain pop (yes I’m originally from the Midwest and we call it pop. Not soda, not coke, just pop.)
- Singing… hence the title of this section & the fact my sister says hanging around me is like living in a musical
- Playing games (ask my husband and son… I’m very competitive)
- Losing myself inside an excellent book
- Wearing a ponytail with a hat
- Living simply — not a lot of makeup, not a lot of jewelry
- The beach and the mountains
- I love to explore new places and get giddy when I find a gem of a place to share with others
I hope you feel like you know me a little better now and I’m excited to get to know you too!