A Simple Yet Powerful Prayer

I want to share a simple prayer that was shared with me as a young Christian.  A prayer I’ve brought before God almost every day for nearly twenty-five years. 

God, lead me and guide me. 
Show me and teach me.
Reveal to me what You want me to see.
And use me for the work of You.

I think you’d agree these are simple words that are easy to remember. But I prayed these words for years before I felt the weight of their power.

I mean I truly wanted His lead and guide, if it was my way. At first, I wanted Him to show me and teach me, if it was what I wanted to learn. Oh and of course use me Lord, but only if it’s comfortable. 

Friend, I want you to pray these words but I don’t want you to miss the power and heart behind them. This prayer says, not our way Lord, but Yours. It’s genuinely asking Him to show us how to step aside and let Him become the Lord of our lives. To teach us how to pick up our cross and follow Jesus.  

It’s admitting that we don’t always have it right but pleading for Him to reveal to us what we need to see about ourselves, those around us, and the bigger picture at hand— eternity. And saying, whatever it is Lord You’re asking me to do, I’m going to choose obedience, even if it’s uncomfortable. 

Ten years ago if someone would have told me that I would be sharing my vulnerabilities through writing and speaking, I would’ve said, “Yeah right!” But through this prayer, even though my heart didn’t have it quite right at first, God did lead and guide me. He did show me and teach me. He’s revealed more to me than I could’ve ever imagined. And now, He uses me to share my story to come alongside others. He used this prayer to spiritually grow this old girl and I’m forever thankful. 

While reading Psalms 25 this morning, I think I found where part of this prayer came from. David says in verses 4 and 5, “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.” (NKJV)

I hope you tuck this small prayer into your days. And I pray God will open up the doors of heaven, so you can see just how powerful it is. 

2 comments on “A Simple Yet Powerful Prayer

  1. As always, Traci, you’ve shared words of wisdom. I love your willingness to be transparent. ❤️

  2. I think at one thing or another, We all are guilty of saying “Send me, Lord, But only where I want to go.” Thank you for reminding us that to grow is to be stretched beyond our comfort zone!

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